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Photo Balrampandey

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Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Working as Assistant and with Civil Wing since 1997.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014





Thursday, September 4, 2014

President releases a set of eight Commemorative Postage Stamps on Indian Musicians

The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee released a set of eight Commemorative Postage Stamps on Indian Musicians at a function held at Rashtrapati Bhavan today (September 3, 2014). 

The set of stamps brought out by the Department of Posts feature luminaries in the field of classical Indian music namely Pandit Ravi Shankar, Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, Ms. D.K. Pattammal, Pandit Mallikarjun Mansur, Ms. Gangubai Hangal, Pandit Kumar Gandharva, Ustad Vilayat Khan and Ustad Ali Akbar Khan. 

Speaking on the occasion, the President stated that as we pay tribute to eight of the greatest music maestros of contemporary India, we celebrate their life and work and their matchless legacy. These eight maestros are, without a doubt, among the tallest luminaries in the history of world music. They have not only achieved personal perfection but have made extraordinary contributions, in their respective fields, to the development and evolution of the schools of music in which their talents were nurtured and honed. Their contribution and its enrichment of our cultural heritage cannot be quantified or estimated. It is infinite in its resonance and their names will be mentioned with great reverence. Their music will be cherished by the young and old, for many decades to come. 

Source : PIB 

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Cuttack Divisional Office Bearers

The Newly elected Cuttack Divisional Office Bearers with our General Secretary

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

2nd Divisional Conference at Cuttack

Congratulations to ADHIKARI & TEAM for making the Divisional Conference a Grand Success.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Agenda for Meeting with Chief Engineer (C) on 31-07-2014

The Chief Engineer (C),
Department of Posts,
New Delhi  110001

Lr. No. BPCWNGEU/GS/2013-14                                          Dated at New Delhi, 24th July 2014.

Sub:     Agenda for the meeting to be held on 31-07-2014.

Ref:     Chief Engineer (C), Department of Posts, New Delhi Office Lr. No. 10-9(1) / CEND/Union Meeting/2013-14/1081,  dated  09-07-2014.


            With reference to the above cited letter, the agenda to be discussed in the meeting to be held on 31-07-2014 is as follows:

1.    Immediate recruitment of JEs/Works Clerk Gr-IIs/MTS staff including maintenance staff.
2.    Finalization of MACP cases in all cadres.
3.    Set up of more Civil Divisions and Electrical Divisions.
4.    Transfer policy & guidelines of Group C & D cadres to be circulated to all circles and strict adherence guidance to be given.
5.    Action taken on minutes of previous meeting held with Chief Engineer (C).
6.    The selection grade  may be granted to all cadres in Civil Wing after completion of 8 years of service as being done in CPWD.
7.    Finalization of Wireman, Electrician and Lift Operator recruitment  rules.
8.    Promotional hierarchy of each and every cadre of Postal Civil wing including building maintenance staff may be identified and communicated to us with number of posts.
9.    Instructions for informal meetings with Circle Heads/Divisional Heads may be circulated immediately.
Yours sincerely,

General Secretary
Following representative of Union will represent the above meeting:

1.    Shri S.K.Mishra, Secretary General, BPEF working in % DA(P), Lucknow.
2.    Shri Balram Pandey, General Secretary, BPCWNGEU, working in % PESD, Patna.
3.    Shri Satender Kumar, Circle Secretary, Delhi Circle, working in % CE(C), New Delhi.      
4.    Shri Sanjay Kumar, Circle Secretary, Patna Circle, working in % SE(C), PCC, Patna.
5.    Shri Arun Kumar Jain, Circle Secretary, UP Circle working in GPO, Lucknow.

General Secretary 

Monday, July 14, 2014


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Modernisation of Post Offices : Lok Sabha Q&A

The Economic Times-- Press News

Postal Services beat revenue target third year in a row

·       ·          
NEW DELHI: Postal Services in the country has beaten its revenue target three years in a row, exceeding the target by 9.5 per cent in fiscal 2013-14, Parliament was informed today. 

 government had set a revenue target of Rs 7,522.02 crore for the Postal Services in 2011-12, while the Department registered revenue of Rs 7,899.40 crore.

"The revenue generation of Postal Services is increasing every year and the targets for each coming year are raised by the Government," Minister of Communications and IT Ravi Shankar Prasad today said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha.
In the year 2012-13, the revenue stood at Rs 9,366.50 crore against a target of Rs 8,762.75 crore, he added.

In 2013-14, the revenue stood at Rs 10,720.94 crore as against the target of Rs 9,787.52 crore, he said.

Responding to a separate query, the Minister said 1,735 post offices were modernised under Project Arrowagainst the target of 1,759 post offices during the 11th Plan.

"During the 12th Plan, 2,500 post offices are proposed to be modernised under Project Arrow with an outlay of Rs 284 crore," Prasad said.

During the first two years of the 12th Plan, 880 post offices have been modernised and so far, 2,615 post offices have been modernised under the 11th and 12th Plan, he added. 


Thursday, July 3, 2014

                        (Affiliated to BPEF/BMS)
                                 T-21, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110 001

BPCWGEU/ CWC-1 /2014                                                                       Dated: 2-7-2014


It is hereby notified that the Central Working Committee Meeting  of the Bharatiya Postal Civil Wing Non-Gazetted Employees Union will be held at T-21, Atul Grove Road , New Delhi – 110 001 from 22ndJuly , 2014  to 23rd  July, 2014.  Shri C.K. Mishra President of the BPCWNGEU will  preside over the meeting.

  1. Discussion on challenges of Mission 2015
  2. 7th CPC and related issues.
  3. Discussion about financial position of C.H.Q
  4. Organizational Review.
  5. Discussion Cadre Restructuring Committee minutes meeting held 20-5-2014.
  6. Any other item with permission of chair.

  (Balram Pandey)
                                                                                                       General Secretary

Copy to:

  1. All office bearers of the CHQ/ Circle Secretaries.
  2. The Secretary, Deptt. of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001. She is requested to issue instructions to Head of Circles for grant of special casual leave to the Participated the C.W.C.
  3. The Chief Engineer, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001. He is requested to issue instructions to All Supdt. Engineer Civil / Electrical  for grant of special casual leave to the Participated the C.W.C.
  4. The General Secretary , BMS (Central) Dattopant Thangdi Bhawan, 27 D.D.U. Marg, Raous Avenue, New Delhi- 110 002 .
  5. The Secretary General, BPEF, T-21, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi-110 001.

(Balram Pandey)
 General Secretary.  

( An All India Industrial Unit of BMS)
T-21, Atul Grove Road, New Dlehi- 110 001

बी0पी0ई0एफ0/ सर्कुलर / 2014                                   दिनाक : 30-06-2014
सेवा में,
महासंघ के सभी सम्माननीय पधाधिकारीगण/ सम्बद्ध  यूनियनों  के महामंत्रीगण / प्रांतीय / मंडलीय सचिवगण
                                                          “ सादर नमस्कार “   
प्रिय बंधुओ,
      आशा है आप सपरिवार कुशल पूर्वक रहते हुए यथा संभव संघीय गतिविधियों में गतिशील एवं संलिप्त होगे l मित्रो, संघ की संघीय सुविधा (मान्यता) संबधी समाचार आप सभी को मिल गया होगा l महासंघ, आपको प्राप्त हुई इस उपलब्धी पर आप सभी को बधाई देता है एवं आशा करता है कि ऐसी एक उपलब्धी, जिसके लिये कितना संघर्ष हुआ , माननीय नयायालयो में चल रहे मुकदमो में कितना धन खर्च हुआ उसके महत्व को समझते हुये एवम् मिशन – 2015 के लिये इस उपलब्धी को आधार मानकर कड़ा संघर्ष करेंगे तथा पटरी से उतर गई संघ की गाड़ी को पुन: पटरी पर लाने के लिये अपना शतप्रतिशत  योगदान करेगें l केन्द्र की ओर से सामुहिक रुप से इस खुशी को शेयर  करने  एवं आगे की दिशा व दशा तय करने तथा संघीय सुविधाओ के मिलने के बाद हमारा अगला प्रयास किस तरह हो , पर वयापक रणनीति बनाने के लिये भारतीय मज़दूर संघ के 69 वे स्थापना दिवस पर केन्द्रीय  कार्ययालय  टी – 21, अतुल गरोवर रोड़ - नई दिल्ली – 110 001 पर एक भव्य कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया गया है जिसमे महासंघ एवं  सभी सम्बद्ध  यूनियनों  की केन्द्रीय कार्य समिति की बैठको का भी आयोजन किया गया है जिसमे उपरोक्त बातो के अतिरिक्त 7 वे वेतन पर भी गंभीर चिंतन होना है l 23 जुलाई को प्रातः श्री सुंदरकांड पाठ, पूजा, प्रसाद वितरण इसके बाद स्थापना दिवस एवं भारत सरकार के माननीय विधि, संचार एवं सूचना प्रोद्योगिकी मंत्री सम्माननीय रविशंकर प्रसाद जी का अभिनन्दन समारोह भी आयोजित किया गया है l पूर्व की सरकार ने जिस तरह से हमारे प्रयास एवं कार्मिक मंत्रालय के सुझlव को नजरअंदाज करते हुऐ हमारी  प्रlर्थना को अनसुना कर दिया था उस पर वर्तमान सरकार ने अपने गठन के एक माह के अंदर प्रभावशाली आदेश करके हमारे लोकप्रिय संचार मंत्री जी ने यह स्पष्ट संकेत दे दिया है कि इस महासंघ की आवाज को कोई दबा नहीं सकता एवं आने वाले दिनों में हर स्तर पर अपने संगठन से वार्ता , मीटिंग पत्राचार न केवल प्रारम्भ होगा बल्कि हमारे सुझाओं को गंभीरता से लिया जायेगा l
      मित्रों, सरकार एवं विभाग ने अपने दायीत्वो  का निर्वहन कर दिया है अब हम सबकी बारी है l मिशन – 2015 के लिये कठिन संघर्ष करने के साथ साथ अपनी आर्थिक मजबूती, जो कि नितांत चिंताजनक बनी हुई है , हमें उसे भी मजबूत करना है इसी क्रम में भारतीय मज़दूर संघ की सहमति से यह निर्णय हुआ है, कि अपनी सर्वोच्च इकाई महासंघ को प्रत्येक यूनियन के प्रत्येक मंडल से रुपये 1000/- (एक हजार) अतिशीघ्र महासंघ के भारतीय स्टेट बैंक एकाउंट नंबर 30031230071 , चंद्रलोक बिल्डिंग, जनपथ, नई दिल्ली पर भेजना है जिससे आने वाले दिनों की चुनौतियो के लिये धन राशि बीच में न आये और उन्हें सफलता पूर्वक निपटा जा सके l 
                मित्रों,  हम सभी को प्राप्त हुई संघीय सुविधाओं पर हमें प्रत्येक मंडल में मर्यादित तरीकें से इस ख़ुशी को आम कर्मचारी / सदस्य के साथ शेयर करना है , मिष्ठान वितरण करना है एवं केंद्र से छपने वाले पोस्टर की तरह अपने अपने मंडल / परिमंडल में पोस्टर छपवाकर इसका व्यापक प्रचार प्रसार करना है l माननीय संचार मंत्री जी को किस प्रकार बधाई दी जाये , इस पर भी शीघ्र ही एक सुचना आपको वेबसाइट के माध्यम से मिलेगी l
      हमें आशा है कि महासंघ के प्रयास , माननीय संचार मंत्री जी एवं डाक निदेशक के सहयोग से जारी हुआ मान्यता संबधी आदेश “ पवित्र रमजान एवं भारतीय मज़दूर संघ के 69वे स्थापना दिवस की खुशियो में और वृद्धि करेगा तथा यह ख़ुशी हमें मिशन – 2015 की चुनौतियो को फेस करने के लिये प्रेरणlदायक सिद्ध होगी l
      एक बार पुनः इस उपलब्धि पर पूरे भारतीय डाक कर्मचारी महासंघ परिवार को हार्दिक शुभकामना एवं बधाई तथा पूर्व में इस दिशा में प्रयास करने वाले सभी बंधुओं को भी शुभकामना एवं बधाई प्रेषित करता हूँ l
      धन्यवाद ,                                                  भवदीय
                                                       ( शिवाकांत मिश्र )


Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Cadre restructuring proposals

The scheduled meeting with Chief Engineer(C) has finally been scheduled on 11th & 12th March 2014. Our General Secretary Shri Pandey and our Secretary General Shri Mishra are going to attend the above said meeting from Union Side.  Let us hope our proposals may be come out with positive results.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Rescheduled date of meeting with CE

The proposed dates of meeting with Chief Engineer (C), New Delhi has been postponed from 11th, 12th February 214 to 25th February 2014.  The main agenda is cadre restructuring and other items of discussion will be as per our previous posts.  The outcome of the meeting will be immediately posted on this blog.  Kindly be with us.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Draft Proposals of Cadre Restructuring


Ref: Directorate letter No.10-25/2011-CWP dated 18th May 2012.

The P&T Civil wing created in 1963 for catering the engineering needs of Postal & Telecomunication under Ministry of Communications.  The Civil wing has mainly three units viz. Civil Wing, Electrical Wing and Architectural Wing.  On 01.01.1985 the P&T has been bifurcated into TWO Departments Posts and Telecommunications.  However, Civil Wing has the combined set up of P&T upto 1993.  In 1993, the Civil Wing for Department of Posts has been separated from the combined set up during most of the Group C & D employees opted for DOT for better career opportunities.  Since, then Civil Wing is independently working with bare minimal staff. 

Restructuring of Clerical Staff:

          The Civil Wing is a Unit under Department of Posts. But since beginning of the unit, the Civil Wing employees are not being treated as Postal Employees. It is clearly evident during V Pay Commission time.  All Postal Clerks were redesignated as Postal Assistants during V pay commission and granted higher pay scales comparatively except Clerks in Postal Civil Wing. 

          The Clerical Cadre in Civil Wing has to be dealt with sensitive items like tenders, agreements, bills, Arbitration Cases, Court Cases.  These are very sensitive in nature and require high attention.  Hence, all the Works Clerk Gr-II may immediately be re-designated as Works Assistants/ Postal Assistants (Works) immediately.  Accordingly the hierarchy of Clerical Staff further may be re-designated. 

Every Civil Division is having three units namely Establishment Section, Accounts Section and Drawings Section headed by Head Clerk, Jr.Accounts Officer and Draughtsman.  However, it is worth while to mention that almost all Divisions are working without any Jr. Accounts Officer/Draughtsman.  In this regard, it is to mention that three posts of Assistants should be allotted to each division, each circle. 

Every Civil Division is having one Accounts Officer as financial adviser.  These Accounts Officers are on deputation from % the DA(P) for a period of two years.  As the entire service of these officers are within the administrative units and in operative units, they are less conversant with the Public Work Accounts. Hence a proposal for promoting the clerical staff in Civil Wing to Assistant Accounts Officer Cadre by conducting JAO (Civil) Examination may be examined.   

After restructuring Clerical Cadre the position will be as follows:
Present Cadre/
Pay Scale
Proposed Cadre/ 
Pay Scale
Minimum Qualification
Placement on Promotion
Works Clerk Grade – II
GP 1900
Works Assistants/ Postal Assistants  (Works)
GP 2400
12th passed
As Assistant  after completion of 5 years of Regular Service as Works Assistant/ Postal Assisants (Works) in pay scale of 5200-20200 grade pay Rs.4200
The WC Gr-IIs of Civil Wing are less paid employees in Department of Posts and they are responsible with Clerical works, Tendering work and Cashier work.  For W.C.Gr- IIs, computer knowledge is also essential. It is justified to be placed in the Grade Pay of Rs.2400/- by re- designating the cadre as Works Assistants/ Postal Assistants (Works).
Works Clerk Grade – I
GP 2400
GP 4200
By promotion
50% seniority cum fitness & 50% deptl. exam
As Office Superintendent (Assistant) on completion of 5 years of regular service as  Assistant in the pay scale of 9300-34800 with grade pay of Rs.4600
The WC Gr-I of Civil Wing are less paid employees in Department of Posts and they are responsible with Establishment works, Tendering work, Auditing work.  They even have to deal with court cases, Arbitration Cases etc. They are equally capable of doing Accountant work.  Hence these W.C.Gr-Is are to be placed in the Grade Pay of Rs.4200/- by replacing this cadred with  Assistants.
GP  Rs.4200
Office Superintendent
GP  Rs.4600
By Promotion
As Office Supdt  in the pay scale of 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs.4600/- on completion of 5 years of regular service as Assistant
As per the CPWD norms.  The Office Supdt has to look after establishment works and other sensitive works  of the Division Office and Circle office.
New cadre
Asstt. Accounts Officer in pay scale   of 9300-34800
GP Rs.4800/-

By JAO Examination.

A new cadre of Group B Gazetted Post is to be introduced by Deptl Competitive Examination from Assistants (who completes 8 years of regular service), Office Supdt (who completes 5 years of regular service).
Staff Car Driver Grade – II
GP 1900
Staff Car Driver Grade – II
GP 2400
12th passed.
As Staff Car Driver Grade -I after completion of 3 years of Regular Service as Staff Car Driver  Gr-II in pay scale of 5200-20200 GP 2800
The Grade Pay of Staff Car Driver Gr-II is comparatively lesser side.  Hence Grade Pay of Rs.2400/- is to be granted. The Civil Wing unit is small in size and promotional avenues are comparatively less.
Staff Car Driver Grade – I
GP 2400
Staff Car Driver Grade – I
GP 2800
By Promotion amongst Staff Car Driver Grade - II
As Staff Car Driver Special Grade after completion of 5 years of Regular Service as Staff Car Driver  Gr-I in the pay scale of 9300-34800 with grade pay of Rs.4200
The Grade Pay of Staff Car Driver Gr-I is to be granted as Rs.2800/-
Staff Car Driver Special Grade
GP 4200

Staff Car Driver Special Grade
GP 4200

By Promotion amongst Staff Car Driver Gr-I
The Staff Car Drivers in this small unit have no promotional avenues and hence the proposed Grade Pays are to be granted.
Multi Tasking Staff
GP 1800
Multi Tasking Staff
GP 2000
10th passed
As Works Assistants after completion of 5 years of regular service by Departmental Examination.
The MTS in civil wing are mostly entrusted with clerical duties and they are well versed with sensitive issues like tendering process. Hence Grade Pay of Rs.2000/-is justified.
** The recruitment rules for Works Assistants may be modified as under:
The Works Assistants / Postal Assistants (Works) can be recruited through respective CPMGs and these personnel can be completely handed over to Civil Wing for further postings.
* As one time measure, education qualification for Departmental Examination for promotion  from MTS to Works Assistants may be relaxed.   

Proposed staff strength in clerical cadre in each Co ordination Circle is given below:-

Sl No.
Present Designation
Proposed Designation
Present  Sanctioned
Proposed strength

Works Assistant
1 each  at Sub Divn + 1 each at Divn + 1 at Circle
= 23
1 each  at Sub Divn + 3 each at Divn + 2 at Circle

(17+15+2) =34
1 as Sub Divn Clerk and 3 at Divn (1 as Correspondence Clerk, 1 as Cashier and 1 as Tender Clerk) 2 at Circle (1 as Correspondence Clerk and 1 as Cashier).
WC  Gr.I
3 at Divn
3 at Circle
3 at Divn
3 at Circle
(15+4) = 19
3 at Division (1 at Accounts Branch, 1 as Establishment Clerk and 1 as Clerk for Drawings Branch) and 3 at Circle Office (1 for establishment and 2 for Works Branch).
(Head Clerk)
Office Supdt
1 (at Divn)
1(at Circle)
1 (at Divn) +
1 (at Circle)
As per CPWD norms.

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